Vocaloid Wiki

YOHIOloid VOCALOID3 | Songs Albums Notable Originals

This article is about the VOCALOID3 software known as a voicebank. If you are looking for the VOCALOID character then click here.


In 2012, PowerFX began production of another VOCALOID following the release of OLIVER. YOHIO, by rare opportunity, offered himself and YOHIO's VOCALOID was put on priority due to its English/Japanese potential. His vocal was recorded in Sundsvall, Yohio's hometown at the Ninetone Studios. Following a series of rumours, it was later confirmed that YOHIO was going to voice a bilingual VOCALOID. YOHIO himself also confirmed this through a tweet on February 18, 2013.[1][2]

In April, it was confirmed that the voicebank was complete and that a demo was due soon. Later the contest winning image appeared, though this was confirmed to be not the final version of the artwork and adjustments were being made to it.[3]

In May, it was confirmed they would not meet their given deadline (early May) for a release. Bil explained that this was their first step into a new language and it had been more difficult than they expected and the BETA vocals were still being tested. Bil admitted that PowerFX themselves had struggled to keep up with their main Soundation product during this time and two out of three members of their staff were out of office due to newborn arrivals.[4]

A member of VocaTone also confirmed at Vocaloid Otaku forums that the addition of the Japanese vocal was not causing problems for the team. The real problem was that they were doing two languages instead of one, and if anything, the English vocal was the one causing issues.[5]

On May 28, it was confirmed all recording had been done on YOHIOloid and that there was just the refining process left to complete.[6] A new updated release frame was set for early September 2013.[7] This was later specified to be the 10th.[8]

Bil Bryant announced on Twitter that YOHIOloid would be released on 10 September.[9] The downloadable version of YOHIOloid was made available on the PowerFX site on schedule. A DVD release of the voice bank was later available for purchase on September 17.[10]

Product Information[]



Recovery (YOHIOloid Beta - Japanese) YouTube
Bodies (English) (deleted) YouTube
Moves like Jagger
(English - Beta note: [dZ] phonetic data was missing in this version so [j] was used instead)
Knot or Not? (English and Japanese) NicoNico YouTube
Without Wings (Japanese) (deleted) YouTube
In My Head (English) YouTube
NeapolitaN (English and Japanese) NicoNico YouTube
Mirai E (Japanese) YouTube
Cry me a river (English) (deleted) YouTube
Emotional (English) YouTube
Lautar (English) (deleted) YouTube
I Love You (JP test) (deleted) YouTube

System Requirements[]

  • OS: Windows 7/Windows 8/Vista/XP
  • CPU: Celeron Dual Core 2.1 GHz or more
  • RAM: 1GB or more
  • Disk Space; 1.57 GB


Comparison between Yohio and Yohioloid


Product Information
  Trial/Demo Vers?: No  Starter Available?: Yes
Package details as noted:

YOHIOloid is a bilingual VOCALOID having both an English and Japanese vocal. This is PowerFX's first time producing a voicebank with a language other than English, and the first bilingual VOCALOID production for PowerFX. When released, he was listed at the same price as OLIVER's DVD version with the additional advantage of being capable of two languages instead of just one, making him more of a "bargain" than his predecessor.[11]

Vocal traits as noted:
  • He suits ballads, pop, house or rock best.[12]
  • While YOHIOloid has a vocal that is suitable for a variety of genres, his voice lacks the vocal strength in his vocal that past PowerFX VOCALOIDs like "Sweet ANN" and "BIG AL" possessed.
  • He is most comfortable in the mid-upper ranges.[13]
  • Both English and Japanese vocals have two pitches of articulation, these information was noted by Syo in regards to RUBY. Syo could not remember how many stationary pitches he had, however, he recalled someone saying he had a total of 3.5 pitches, though admitted he did not know what was a "0.5" pitch result.[14][15][16]

Individual Voices[]

Product Information
Package details as noted:

The English voicebank of YOHIOloid.

Vocal traits as noted:
  • YOHIOloid has a Swedish-based accent. Despite this, he has some of the best overall results so far out of the "non-native" English vocals. His pronunciation was articulated to sound American, as this was what users asked for.[17]
  • He does not have as many issues with vowels as some of the past English vocals have displayed, resulting in fewer need to replace bad sounding results. This also puts him as one of the "better" English vocals released, and is a vast improvement over OLIVER.[18]
  • Overall his English pronunciation were considered the best of any English vocaloid at the time of release by his own company.[19]
Phonetic notes as noted:
  • The fricatives [f], [s], [S] can be produced by their own, without a vowel. Similar to other voicebank, the nasals also can be used by their own, with exception of the [N] phoneme. The [r] stands well the long notes and even can be used by its own, although this may distort the phoneme's sound.
  • The [t] phoneme tends to show an allophonic behavior, often sounding closer to an alveolar flap when it's in intervowel context.
  • Some users reported an issue related to a glitch on his [h] phoneme.[20].
  • His [@] seems to be designed only to work before the dark L phoneme, [l]. The sound doesn't work in consonant-vowel combinations and, when produced by its own, it sounds heavily (labio)velarized, making it sound more like a 'wah' than an unstressed 'uh'.
Software issues as noted:
  • Adjusting the Gender factor can easily cause the vocal to sound feminine.
Voicebank sample

Product Information
Package details as noted:

The Japanese voicebank of YOHIOloid.

Vocal traits as noted:
  • Like the English vocal, the Japanese voicebank is a "non-native" accented vocal and some sounds are impacted as a result of this.
  • This vocal has a slightly deeper tone then the English vocal producing a slightly bolder result, but once again still lacks overall "power" in the vocal itself. Despite this, overall the two vocals have roughly the same sound quality to them making changing mid-song not too noticeable.

Voicebank sample

YOHIOloid Japanese VOCALOID3


