Vocaloid Wiki

YiSeho (依溪禾; YīXīhé) is a Chinese producer who made their debut in 2014. Their early works were usually related to Ali the Fox, and in 2015, they participated in the music production for the special animated film Ālí de Tónghuà Rìjì (阿狸的童话日记), which celebrated Ali's ninth anniversary. They were also the music distributor of "LOST ARK", and were involved with a large number of animated games and promotional soundtracks. They did not become involved with VOCALOID until 2016.

In 2018, they participated in the music production for the game Paranoia: Deliver Me. They later produced a demo for Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese's 4.0.1 update in 2019.


Links Title Featuring Date Roles
[bb] "秘境茶会" Xin Hua February 9, 2018 tuning, compose, arrange, mixing
[bb][ne][sp] "塔之礼赞" Luo Tianyi V4, YANHE, Yuezheng Ling, Mo Qingxian November 30, 2018 compose, mixing, musician
[bb][yt][ne][sp] "被抹去的女孩" Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese February 16, 2019 arrange
[bb][yt] "被伪造的偶像" Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese February 21, 2019 music supervision, arrange, music production, mixing
[bb][ne] "黑羊少女" YANHE May 24, 2019 compose, arrange, mixing
[bb] "逆天" Luo Tianyi V4 (Ning), Yuezheng Ling August 1, 2019 compose, arrange
[bb][ne] "红石蒜少女" Yuezheng Ling November 28, 2019 compose, arrange
[bb][yt] "恋之秘语" Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese December 23, 2019 compose
[bb] "风华引" Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, YANHE, Yuezheng Longya January 1, 2020 compose, arrange, harmony composition
[bb][ac] "平旦" Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling February 20, 2020 compose, mixing
[bb] "华夏巾帼志" Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling, Mo Qingxian, YANHE March 8, 2020 compose, arrange



Affiliation Title Featuring Date Roles
Shanghai Wangcheng Information Technology Co. Ltd. "心花四季" Xin Hua, Luna Safari March 10, 2018 compose, arrange, tuning, mixing