Vocaloid Wiki
Vocaloid Wiki

Zion XYZ subpage for late 2016 onward.


Links Title Featuring Date Roles
[yt] "TELEVISE" Nekomura Iroha and MAIKA September 13, 2016 producer
[yt] "OUR GALAXY" AVANNA and DEX February 25, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "COUNTLESS FACES" DEX March 6, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "CREATION" AVANNA March 29, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "ENTOMOPHOBIA" DEX April 9, 2017 producer
[sc] "Lies And Trivial Arguements" AVANNA April 20, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "Faded Identity" AVANNA May 17, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "Haunting Reverie" AVANNA July 13, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "ADIEU" DEX August 8, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "Pernicious Noxious" DEX September 9, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "Call of the Void (L'appel du vide)" YOHIOloid December 10, 2017 producer
[yt][sc] "TELEVISE" AVANNA and DEX January 13, 2018 producer
[yt][sc] "The Inevitable Demise of a Copycat" YOHIOloid January 23, 2018 producer
[yt] "Monochromatic Reality" YOHIOloid February 23, 2018 producer
[yt][sc] "Visceral Remains" GUMI English April 23, 2018 producer
[yt][sc] "The Problematic One" AVANNA and YOHIOloid July 24, 2018 producer
[yt][sc] "The Executioner" BIG AL August 30, 2018 music, lyrics, illust
[yt][sc][bc] "Ichor from the Mouths of Rabbits" GUMI English October 26, 2018 producer
[yt][sc] "The Graverobber" YOHIOloid December 24, 2018 music, lyrics, tuning, illust, video