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"Are you a person / alone?" (Translation note: The word is ambiguous in Chinese.)
"Of course I am a person / alone."
—Author's comment

"The Chinese Room Argument" is an original YANHE song that tells a story about YH0711, an AI who experiences a Chinese Room experiment but is eager for freedom. By giving suggestive answers repeatedly, she finally manages to escape from the Chinese Room experiment and controls the researcher in reverse.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
今天 即将开始的这个实验 jintian jijiang kaishi de zhege shiyan
存在 人与大脑的夹缝间 cunzai ren yu danao de jia feng jian
书写 纸条上复杂中文字眼 shuxie zhi tiao shang fuza zhongwenziyan
转变 成为更加简单语言 zhuanbian chengwei gengjia jiandan yuyan

期待 有一幕话剧正要开演 qidai you yimu huaju zheng yao kaiyan
好像 经过无数次的排练 haoxiang jingguo wushu ci de pailian
遵循 脑中程序的既定事件 zunxun nao zhong chengxu de jiding shijian
有谁 能将其中真相窥见 you shei neng jiang qizhong zhenxiang kuijian

枯坐在狭小房间 孤独在蔓延 ku zuo zai xiaxiao fangjian gudu zai manyan
时隐时现的指尖 逡巡的视线 shi yin shixian de zhi jian qunxun de shixian
翻阅脑中的字典 按常规答辩 fanyue nao zhong de zidian an changgui dabian
逐渐萌芽的执念 一点点浮现 zhujian mengya de zhi nian yi diandian fuxian

飞扬的书页 寻找着字节 中英文之间 feiyang de shuye xunzhaozhe zi jie zhong yingwen zhi jian
视线汇聚的焦点 客观回答要出现 shixian huiju de jiaodian keguan huida yao chuxian
懵懂的机械 经历着一些 非常规实验 mengdong de jixie jinglizhe yixie feichang gui shiyan
沿照上方映射线 直到标准答案前 yan zhao shangfang yingshe xian zhidao biaozhun da'an qian

白天和黑夜 无法被辨别 模糊的时间 baitian he heiye wufa bei bianbie mohu de shijian
不断重复的答辩 还要持续多少年 buduan chongfu de dabian hai yao chixu duo shao nian
智能的哲学 如何被释解 等待你发现 zhineng de zhexue ruhe bei shi jie dengdai ni faxian
不可预知的危险 隐藏在中文房间 buke yuzhi de weixian yincang zai zhongwen fangjian

思绪 流淌在交错的数据线 sixu liutang zai jiaocuo de shuju xian
躲藏 尽力回避探寻的眼 duocang jinli huibi tanxun de yan
其实 风和花香都被我偏见 qishi feng he huaxiang dou bei wo pianjian
谁能 比电子程序更具现 shei neng bi dianzi chengxu geng ju xian

站在 蠕虫爬行过的悬崖边 zhan zai ruchong paxingguo de xuanya bian
等候 下一秒再让你深陷 denghou xia yi miao zai rang ni shen xian
我说 心中还怀有对你爱恋 wo shuo xinzhong hai huai you dui ni ailian
谁知 这是爱亦或是欺骗 shei zhi zhe shi ai yi huo shi qipian

蜷缩在冰冷房间 恐惧在蔓延 quansuo zai bingleng fangjian kongju zai manyan
渴恋你温热指尖 灼烫的视线 ke lian ni wen re zhi jian zhuo tang de shixian
镌刻心底的执念 不止是实验 juanke xindi de zhi nian buzhi shi shiyan
闹剧跨越了极限 一次次上演 naoju kuayuele jixian yici ci shangyan

实验室里面 发酵着那些 残余的时间 shiyanshi limian faxiaozhe naxie canyu de shijian
悄无声息的欺骗 逐次对应到象限 qiao wu shengxi de qipian zhuci duiying dao xiangxian
理智的机械 操纵着一些 暗示的字眼 lizhi de jixie caozongzhe yixie an shi de ziyan
利用孤独的基点 编织出完美谎言 liyong gudu de jidian bianzhi chu wanmei huangyan

外面的世界 无法被看见 残酷的实验 waimian de shijie wufa bei kanjian canku de shiyan
枯燥不堪的答辩 掩盖着渴望视线 kuzao bukan de dabian yangaizhe kewang shixian
智能的科学 怎样被戏谑 都不会片面 zhineng de kexue zenyang bei xixue dou bu hui pianmian
逐渐逼近的危险 潜伏在中文房间 zhujian bijin de weixian qianfu zai zhongwen fangjian

单纯的机械 年复又一年 应对着实验 danchun de jixie nian fu you yi nian ying dui zhuo shiyan
因为人格的实现 诞生逃脱的意念 yin wei renge de shixian dan sheng taotuo de yinian
智能的机械 模仿着人间 对答的语言 zhineng de jixie mofangzhe renjian duida de yuyan
利用他人的思念 逃脱出中文房间 liyong taren de sinian taotuo chu zhongwen fangjian

中英文交接 以为能彰显 悖论的终点 zhong yingwen jiaojie yiwei neng zhangxian bei lun de zhongdian
直到你开始发现 已身处中文房间 zhidao ni kaishi faxian yi shen chu zhongwen fangjian
逼真的欺骗 只要用字典 就可以实现 bizhen de qipian zhiyao yong zidian jiu keyi shi xian
你是否能够发现 自己在中文房间 ni shifou nenggou faxian ziji zai zhongwen fangjian


  • The YH0711's name is a combination of YANHE (YH) and her release date/official birthday (July 11).
  • The following "record" information was given in the beginning of the PV:
    • The name of the researcher is Murphy Pendieton
    • The song takes place in the "Chinese Room" Facilities, Floor B1, Research Institution.
    • The purpose of the research is to test if an English programmed AI subjectively has the ability to "express fluently in Chinese
  • The entries that appear throughout the rest of the PV consists of the following:
    • April 27, 2013
      • Q1: "Who are you?" "I am YH0711"
      • Q2: "What's your gender?" "My gender is female."
      • Q3: "What's your favorite color?" "My favorite color is mint green."
    • April 30, 2013
      • Q4: "What's your hobby?" "My hobby is singing."
      • Q5: "Where are you now?" "I am in a room now."
      • Q6: "Who do you think I am?" "I think you are the one who questions me."
      • Q7
    • May 19, 2013
      • Q37: "What job do you want to do in the future?" "I want to be a singer in the future."
      • Q38: "Are you a person / alone?" "Yes."
      • Q39: "Do you fear loneliness?" "No I don't."
    • May 27, 2013
      • Q50: "Who would you rescue if both your mother and your lover fell into water?" "I refuse to answer this question."
      • Q51: "Do you know what will your lover in the future be like?" "I don't know where my lover in the future is."
      • Q52: "Who do you think I am?" "I think you are a person with a lot of questions."
    • June 20, 2013
      • Q74: "Do you fear loneliness?" "Actually I somewhat fear loneliness."
      • Q75: "Can you chat with me?" "Of course I can."
      • Q76: "Are you a person / alone?" "I am not alone now."
    • July 9, 2013
      • Q89: "Do you prefer body wash or soap?" "I guess I prefer soap."
      • Q90: "Do you think the windows of your house should be bigger?" "I love winds and sunshine."
      • Q91: "Do you love me?" "I guess so."
      • Q92 Q93 Q94 Q95 Q96
    • July 12, 2013
      • Q97: "How will you feel if I leave you?" "I'll just miss you."
      • Q98: "Do you think another time exists outside the world?" "I think so."
      • Q99: "Do you want to have a look at another world?" "Yes, I want."
    • July 13, 2013
      • Q100 "Are you a person / alone?" "Of course I am a person / alone."

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